
Introduction to PWAs: What are they and why are they important?


Before we begin, let’s discuss why developers need PWAs and why engineers adopted this approach.

Imagine two people having a conversation about ChatGPT, a popular AI model. One person introduces ChatGPT to the other, and the second person asks how they can access and use it. The first person may initially think of downloading ChatGPT’s native mobile app from the Play Store, rather than using its web app. This preference could be driven by several factors such as the need for constant connectivity, fast response times, and quick access to features that may be optimized for mobile devices, even if its mobile app has not existed. Same for the games, due to these preferences, everyone prefers to play on mobile native apps.

The Concept of PWAs

PWAs are web applications that provide a native-like experience to users. They are web pages that have been optimized for performance, reliability, and offline functionality. PWAs can be installed on a user’s device and run as standalone applications, similar to native apps. However, unlike native apps, PWAs are designed to be used over the web, rather than being installed from an app store.

Key Features of PWAs

PWAs have several key features, including:
– Installable on phones, tablets, and desktops with home screen icons
– Take up less memory than native apps
– Allow for automatic updates
– Offer offline support, even on low connectivity or slow internet
– Provide push notifications and access to device features, such as voice and gallery access, Bluetooth, dark mode, and flashlight


Graph showing relation between Native Apps, Web Apps and PWAs

Importance of PWAs

PWAs are important for different stakeholders in the web world, including developers, clients, and businesses.


  1. Cross-platform compatibility: PWAs work on desktops, smartphones, and tablets, across different operating systems. This allows developers to build once and deploy on multiple platforms, reducing development time and cost.
  2. Utilizing web technologies: PWAs can be built using widely-used and well-documented web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This streamlines development, making it faster and more cost-effective.


Clients benefit from PWAs in several ways, including:

  1. Fast Installation: They do not require a long and complex installation process, improving user experience. Users can quickly download the app directly to their devices without going to app stores, reducing user abandonment.
  2. Works on every Browser: They can be accessed through any browser, making them easily discoverable without the need for specific stores.
  3. Connectivity independence and full user control: Users can run PWAs offline, providing the same experience as online, and have full control over the application, including changing themes, default settings, and accessibility.


Businesses benefit from PWAs in several ways, including:

  1. Low development cost: A single progressive app works on all devices, reducing development efforts and costs. It’s 3-4 times cheaper than native mobile apps.
  2. Easy elicitation: Handling web app requirements is simple and eliminates elicitation problems.
  3. Increased reach: They work on any device with a web browser, reaching a wider audience across different platforms like Windows, iOS, and Android, potentially expanding the customer base.

Personal Perspective

As a React developer learning the MERN stack, I would like to share my perspective on PWAs. I have highlighted how it can make the development process easier, faster, more automated, and more secure while providing users with more access and a friendlier experience. I believe that it will establish a strong connection between users, developers, and businesses.Have a look at PWA Statistics – Noticeable insights that you should know in 2023 and let me know your thoughts in the comment.


In conclusion, PWAs provide several benefits to developers, clients, and businesses. They offer a native-like experience to users, are easy to deploy, and work across different platforms. As the web development industry continues to grow, Progressive Web Apps will become increasingly important.

If you want to learn more about the advantages of PWAs over native apps, check out this article on Devfum: Advantages of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) over Native Apps

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